Students Policy

Students Policy

All members of the PAS community have rights and responsibilities as partners in education and should follow practices which demonstrate respect for the laws and regulations of our society. The school recognizes the following appropriate behaviors, which make the school a safe and effective place of learning, and which brings credit to the school and individuals.

  • Using language and actions that encourage mutual respect and courtesy.
  • Respecting the views of others.
  • Being sensitive to the needs of, and caring for others. 
  • Resolving conflict in a non-‐offensive manner. 
  • Reporting incidents of physical abuse, or verbal abuse, or harassment.  Attending regularly and being punctual to all activities. 
  • Being prepared for all classes and activities. 
  • Observing all safety rules.
  • Caring for personal and public property. 
  • Accepting responsibility for ones own learning. 
  • Completing all work honestly to the best of ones ability. 
  •  Working co-‐operatively with others. 
  • Accepting that one is responsible for one’s personal behavior in all situations. 
  • Observing the laws and regulations of our society.
The school day starts at 7:30am
  • Students who arrive after 7:45am must register at social worker office and get a Late Pass. 
  • It is expected that all students will be present for assembly at 7:30am.
  • No student can be absent from school for three consecutive days without any genuine reason. 
  • 95% attendance is compulsory.